Private International Law Seminar with Renmin University


On Monday, December 12th, the UAB, with the Remin University of Beijing, organized a joint seminar on private international law. The activity was carried out online from meeting room 0 of the Faculty


On Monday, December 12th, the UAB, with the Remin University of Beijing, organized a joint seminar on private international law. The activity was carried out online from meeting room 0 of the Faculty.

It consisted in making a brief presentation, in English, of the regulation and current practice in Spain and China, respectively, about some issues of private international law of mutual interest, specifically aspects related to international judicial jurisdiction. It should be noted that, on behalf of the UAB, several professors from the Faculty and five students have participated, who are the ones who have offered the presentations related to the Spanish system. The students who have participated are two from the Law Degree (Laura Birca and Lídia Pérez Casasayas) and three from BAM+Law (Xiaoxia Chen, Tianze Jiao and Jordi Sillero Delgado). On behalf of Renmin University, the private international law professor, Wenliang Zhang, and a group of about 16 students who are studying the private international law course that he teaches at the Faculty of Law of that university.

The presentations of all the participants have given rise to a very interesting debate in which both legal systems have been compared from the perspective of the rules of international judicial jurisdiction.