Faculty of Law professors publish the book "Civisme, transparència i participació local"

Portada del llibre Civisme, transparència i participació local

A group of professors from the Faculty of Law of the UAB publish the book Civisme, transparència i participació local. It is the product of a DEMOC23 project, which will be presented in Vilassar de Mar on June 6th at 6 p.m.


Between 2023 and 2024, and within the framework of a research project funded by the Government of Catalonia, a group of professors from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, in collaboration with technicians and municipal authorities, organized citizen juries in the town of Vilassar de Mar (Vallès, Barcelona). The purpose of these juries was to draw up a draft Ordinance on Civility and Coexistence that would serve as a useful instrument for the promotion of civility, tolerance and good community life. After several working meetings held between the neighbors, the teachers and the technicians, and always with strict respect for the popular will expressed by the neighbors, it was possible to draft an articulated text that was delivered to the City Council for subsequent processing as a municipal regulation. This book presents the participatory experience of Vilassar de Mar and reflects on participation, transparency and civility at the local level. The director of Civics, transparency and local participation was Joan Lluís Pérez Francesch and the coordinator was Alfredo Ramírez Nárdiz.