News archive

Microbial biosensor designed to evaluate wàter toxicity levels

Microbial biosensor designed to evaluate water toxicity

UAB researchers have developed a paper-based biosensor covered in bacteria which detects water toxicity. This is an innovative, simple and inexpensive biological tool which can detect several contaminants and can be easy to use in economically restricted areas or developing countries.

TV3: UAB heads Spanish universities on GreenMetric World University Ranking

The UAB reduces energy consumption by 17%

The UAB, which improved its position this year from 127 to 20 in the GreenMetric World University Ranking, consumes 17% less energy than five years ago, with a decrease in energy consumption of 70.3 million kWh.


The 1st Quick Debate Marathon brings gender equality to the Campus

The 1st Quick Debate Marathon arrived yesterday at the UAB with the objective to encourage the use of language in all its forms and promote debate in the university environment. The winning team was team B, formed by Andrea Mendiola, Helena Ribera, Pol Ribas and Xenia Sánchez.