News archive

Campus Ítaca

388 students participate in Campus Ítaca

Campus Ítaca will take place from 27 June to 14 July, an activity bringing the university closer to secondary school students. This year, 388 students from 77 different centres participate in the programme.


Evaluation of Fukushima effects on oceans

An international team of scientists, with the participation of UAB researcher Pere Masqué, attended the Goldschmidt 2016 conference and presented a review of the state of the oceans 5 years after the Fukushima disaster.

Campus Ítaca

388 students participate in Campus Ítaca

Campus Ítaca will take place from 27 June to 14 July, an activity bringing the university closer to secondary school students. This year, 388 students from 77 different centres participate in the programme.