News archive

Arnau Noguera Segura 'Treure bones notes és qüestió de constància'

"Getting good grades is a matter of being persistent"

Arnau Noguera Segura just graduated from the secondary school Institut Antoni Torroja in Cervera and is the student with the highest mark to enter the UAB, with a score of 13.866 out of 14. He will be studying Genetics and although he finds it hard to imagine what this new phase will be like, he is very excited to begin university.

Campus UAB estiu 2019

Tips for surviving the heat wave

Given the high temperatures foreseen for the next few days, the UAB Area of Prevention and Support offers safety measures for all members of the university community.

50 anys del Moviment Estudiantil

Video covers 50 years of student activism at the UAB

On 14 May the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology presented 50 anys del moviment estudiantil a la UAB, half a century of student activism in celebration of the UAB's 50th anniversary. The presentation took place at the faculty's conference hall.

Guanyadora Tesis 4 minuts

New winner of the “4 Minute Thesis” competition

Miriam Rosás, a PhD student in Advanced Immunology, won first prize in the UAB's “4 Minute Thesis” competition. She was awarded a cash prize of 800 Euros and will represent the university in the final phase, organised by the FCRI and to be held on 4 June.

Imatge I Hate New York Notícia

International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia

The documentary I hate New York (2018) by Gustavo Sánchez will be screened on 14 May in Sala Cinema de la UAB on the occasion of the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphohbia and Biphobia. The screening will be followed by a discussion with Gustavo Sánchez the movie’s director; Gerard López, film editor and former UAB student; and Alma Pereira, representative for the LGTBI+ society “Sin Vergüenza UAB”.


The UAB to celebrate its second edition of the “Four Minute Thesis” competition

The competition will begin on 16 May at 10 a.m. at the Sala de graus of the Doctoral and Graduate School. The event  will consist in ten PhD students who will have a maximum of four minutes to defend their thesis. At the end of the competition the jury will select the two best thesis and all those attending will be able to vote for the thesis they liked best.