News archive

Minut de silenci per la pau

The UAB in favour of peace

On Tuesday 1 March the UAB Governing Team called the university community to observe a minute of silence at 1 p.m., in front of the different campus buildings, to show rejection of the military intervention in Ukraine and call for the resolution of political problems through dialogue and respect for peoples and minorities.


The "Thesis in 4 minutes" competition to be held on 18 May

The competition to find the best presentation of a PhD thesis under 5 minutes will take place on 18 May at 11:30 a.m. A total of twelve PhD students from the UAB will give an oral presentation of their research. The two top presentations will receive 1st and 2nd prize, and a third prize will be awarded to the one most liked by the public.

Imatge nous reptes ECIU

Last days to join the new ECIU University challenges at the UAB

This unique opportunity will allow students to acquire skills that will be very important for their future, develop ideas in an international setting and come into contact with businesses and public organisations across Europe. Participating in these challenges represents finding creative solutions to real-life problems, thereby generating a real impact on communities and regions. Students can validate their participation with 6 ECTS credits.