
Access requirements for degrees taken in the EU

International access with a degree completed in the EU

To access a lifelong learning programme with full rights, you have to have a university degree that is valid in your country.

The documentation referring to the degree and the academic transcript must be official and have been issued by the competent authorities. If it comes from institutions of the European Union, signatory countries of the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA) and the member countries of the Schengen area:

Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Germany, Holland, Hungary, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and Switzerland by bilateral agreement with the EU.

We recommend you do the pre-registration as soon as possible to facilitate the admission process and obtaining a visa and other practical aspects related to your arrival and stay at the FUAB Training School.

At the time of enrolment, you must present your online access qualification. You do not have to have the degree legalised until the time of enrolment. Find out how to legalise your foreign documentation.

Subsequently, at the time of registration, you must submit the following in digital format (with secure verification code or QR code) or in certified paper format:

  • Copy of the European Diploma Supplement (DS), or;
  • Certified copy of the official university degree, issued by the competent authorities
  • Copy of the academic transcript issued by the competent authorities, stating the period in academic years, the subjects studied, the credits obtained and the grades obtained.