
Modifying or cancelling enrolment

The pre-enrolment fee is only refunded if

  • the programme is cancelled
  • there has been an error attributable to the Centre.
  • a non-EU student  is refused a visa and presents supporting documents.
  • serious illness, accident or other exceptional circumstances mean that the student is unable to follow the course. Submitted before the start of the enrolment period

1.The management of the centre can authorise the total or partial cancellation of enrolment, provided that the application is submitted within the deadlines.

In the case of Lifelong Learning studies, the deadline coincides with the enrolment period.

In exceptional cases, cancellation of enrolment may be requested after the established deadline.

2.Once the cancellation of the enrolment has been granted, it is immediately applied to the academic transcript, and is given the same consideration as if the student had not enrolled. Cancellation of the enrolment cannot be reversed under any circumstances.

3.Students of FUAB degrees are only entitled to a refund fees for the provision of university academic services if:

a) For reasons not attributable to them, the activity is not carried out or the service is not provided.

b) The students presents documentation showing that a serious illness, accident or other exceptional circumstances mean that the student is unable to follow the course.

In case a) 100% of the fees will be refunded. In case b) the refund will be made according to the conditions established in the section Refund Policy

In order to process the cancellation of the fees, the student must be up to date with payments for the course. If the outstanding fees are not settled, the student is  considered to have an outstanding debt  and will not be able to apply for any official document or re-enrol in any course offered by the school until the debt is settled.

In the case of MU and lifelong learning courses, failure to pay fees by the deadline will result in the automatic cancellation of the enrolment. Enrolment can be reactivated if the debt is fully paid.


The pre-enrolment fee is only refunded if

  • the programme is cancelled
  • there has been an error attributable to the Centre.
  • a non-EU student  is refused a visa and presents supporting documents.
  • serious illness, accident or other exceptional circumstances mean that the student is unable to follow the course. Submitted before the start of the enrolment period

For cancellation requests submitted within 30 days of enrolment and approved by the Centre, 35% of total tuition fees will be retained to cover administrative costs.

For cancellation requests outside this period  and approved by the Centre, 35% of the total amount of the tuition fees, plus the proportion of the total tuition fees corresponding to the period of the course that has elapsed, will be retained.

You may apply for an enrollment modification in order to change groups, or cancelling and/or adding new subjects within the period established in the academic calendar.

To do so, you will have to pay the current fee set by the center, within the period assigned for these purposes in the academic calendar.

Modification periods:
-During the first period, you will be able to make modifications on first term, second term and annual subjects.
-During the second period, you will only be able to make modifications in second term subjects. Exceptionally, modifications of annual subjects could be authorized.

Students enrolled on a full-time basis must enrol for a minimum of 60 credits, or all the credits remaining to complete the degree.

Students who have been authorised to enrol on a part-time basis must enrol for a minimum of 30 credits and a maximum of 42 credits per academic year.

Enrollment modification application


-If you need to modify your enrollment, you cannot have any payment defaults. Applications for an enrollment modification will not be accepted under any circumstances if the student has any overdue payment.
-In addition to the enrollment modification fee, you will have to pay the amount resulting from the increase of the newly enrolled credits.
-The resulting tuition of the enrollment modification must be paid in a single payment.

You will not have to pay the established fee in the following cases:

- When the enrollment modifications are made in an exchange program, as long as you make them on the 6 weeks following the beginning of the classes in the other university.
- When the modifications are due to the enrollment calendar of your faculty or school (such as the final project, work placement, research projects, etc.).
- When the modification is due to new subjects offered by the University after the enrollment period.
- When the modifications are attributable to the University.

Bear in mind

- Once your enrollment modification or cancellation has been made, it will be included in your academic record and you will not be able to renounce to it.
- To cancel core or mandatory subjects you have not passed, you will need to cancel also the new subjects you have enrolled in.