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3Q Joan Tronto

Joan C. Tronto, emeritus professor of the City University of New York and the University of Minnesota, is one of the greatest exponents of the ethics of care and democracy. Numerous disciplines draw on her feminist reflections to carry out critical analyses of the social, political and economic...

3Q Caddy Adzuba

The lawyer and journalist Caddy Adzuba has stood out as an international speaker of the situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), especially with regard to the situation of women, victims of gender violence related to DRC war. She is a founding member of the network "A loudspeaker for silence" and is...

3Q Henri Weber

Professor at the University of Paris VIII, he is one of the historic leaders of the events of May 1968. On 6 June, during the celebration of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities' 50th anniversary, Weber gave a conference entitled "Un demi siècle après, quel est le bilan de Mai 68?" ["Half a...