• UABDivulga

Manel Esteller studies the genetic alterations of the diseases. He has participated in the development of medicines to treat the cancer and new technologies to research in this field.

Entrevista a l'oncòleg Manel Esteller

To facilitate the cancer pleural diagnosis doctors realize an exploration in the toraxic cavity, this method is called thoracoscopic. Nevertheless, medical investigators of the UAB have observed that this invasive technique has often been unnecessary. For that reason, they realized a analized this case.

Nous criteris milloren el diagnòstic del càncer pleural

The doctoral thesis of Aïda Pujol has studied a variant of preimplantational genetic diagnosis during in vitro fertilization and embryonic development. She analysed the numerical irregularity of the chromosomes in the oocytes using the fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH) technique. This allowed her to identify the different mechanisms...

Novetats en el diagnòstic genètic preimplantacional

The new knowledge about genetics together with the sophisticated skills of analysis helps the scientists to understand the carcinogenic process. The present study, made by investigators of the UAB, is an example of this work. By using the bladder carcinoma as a case study, they analyzed his chromosomal alterations and then compared with his...

Darrera la pista del càncer: alteracions cromosòmiques i organització biològica dels tumors

The oral antibiotics are administered systematically before a colon surgery. But, is it really necessary this medication? Investigators of the Hospital Vall d'Hebron and UAB think that it is not. This categorical negative reflects the results of a study in which participated 300 people in this situation.

Colon i recte