• UABDivulga

Myopathies and celiac disease

Inflammatory myopathies are immunological diseases that cause inflammation in the muscular tissue. The cause and mechanisms of these diseases are not yet right known. Their origin could be an unusual immunological answer of human organism. Sometimes, myopathy appears at the same time that celiac disease....


In the 21th Century tuberculosis is still a very important cause of many deaths every year. There are vaccines, but their efficacy is not very high. UAB researchers have collaborated in a research for improving the treatment based in the study of Toll-like receptors. The trials with animal models have demonstrated a role for Toll-like receptors in...

Prognosis of survival of patients affected by melanoma malignant depends on the presence or absence of tumoral cells in sentinel lymph nodes. Scientists of the Germans Trias i Pujol Hospital have studied the effectiveness of the analysis techniques used s to detect them.

Melanoma Maligne

The "normal pressure" hidrocephalia is a rare illness that we don't know quite well. The most frequent cause is an anomaly in elimination mechanisms of a substance inside of the skull, cephalorraquídeus liquid. Habitually, the processing consists of placing an internal derivation that corrects cephalorraquídeus liquid elimination. Up to now it was...

Researchers of the Spanish National Research Council and Catalan Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences have discovered the receiver responsible for the selective collection of esterified cholesterol in the vascular wall. This type of cholesterol is accumulated in the organism like small drops of fat that can aggravate the vascular injuries and...

Acumulació massiva de colesterol

The ageing of the Catalan population involves an increase of the number of old age patients who are admitted to the Intermediate Care Units of the hospitals. In order to apply them the best treatment is very important to assess their prognosis of life, but until now studies on these units for an integral evaluation of the old patients hardly...

Estudi sobre els pacients ancians de les Unitats de Semicrítics

A cerebrovascular accident (CVA), commonly known as a stroke, is an interuption, through breakage or obstruction, of the blood supply to part of the brain. It is the leading cause of death in women and second leading cause in men in Spain, and also causes disability to most people who survive. Researchers at Neurovascular Research Laboratory at...

Myasthenia gravis is an chronic autoimmune disease that leads to muscle weakness. A clinical trial made over a five-year period by the Myasthenia Unit of the Vall d'Hebron university hospital has just demonstrated the benefits of including tacrolimus in the treatment of this disease.

Millora en el tractament contra la miastènia gravis