Specialisation in Creative Illustration and Visual Communication Techniques

Acquire traditional and advanced illustration techniques for working in advertising agencies, media companies, design studios and publishing companies

Apply for admission to the programme

The admission process serves to ensure that all students meet the programme's requirements and thus guarantee an optimal work environment during the course. To apply for admission, you must follow apply.

Location for the Application

EINA, University School of Design and Art of Barcelona (associate centre)

Access requirements

- University degrees: graduates in design, arts and design, fine arts.

If you do not hold a degree in these fields, you must submit your CV and references of your artistic productions, if applicable. These documents will be evaluated by the programme coordinator in order to determined qualified applicants.

Selection criteria

Consideration will be given to training and experience in illustration or related areas (fine arts, design, etc.). The level of experience will be evaluated on the basis of a portfolio (10 images/jobs), which can be digital, and a professional curriculum vitae, to be submitted by the applicant.