Master's Degree in Travel Journalism (Online)

If you are passionate about communication and travel, join this adventure in learning and reflection. Create your own travel-focused journalism project and train yourself through flexible and virtual approaches


Cristina Maria Pulido Rodriguez

Santiago Tejedor Calvo

Teaching staff

Almudena Barrientos Báez

Núria Cabrero Arranz

Martín Caparrós

Jesus Garcia Pastor

Jorge Grau Rebollo

David Jimenez Garcia

Ricardo Alfonso Lopez Sierra

Gabriel Martinez Cendrero

Javier Martínez Mansilla

Juan Pablo Meneses Mellado

Pedro Vicente Ortin Andres

Raquel Pryzant

Cristina Maria Pulido Rodriguez

Ainhoa Raso Canals

David Revelles Soriano

Núria Roselló Gregori

Fernando Ruiz Paños

David Rull Ribo

Jordi Serrallonga Atset

Santiago Tejedor Calvo

Miguel Angel Tobías González

Coordinating centres

Departamento de Periodismo y de Ciencias de la Comunicación

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