Specialisation Courses
  • UAB Specialisation Course
  • Code: 4422/4
  • 4th edition
  • Modality: Online
  • Credits: 9 ECTS
  • Start date: 08/05/2025
  • Finish date: 01/09/2025
  • Places: 30
  • Orientation: Professional
  • Price: 1650 €
  • Teaching language: Spanish (70%), English (30%)
  • Location: Online


- The Intensive Care Unit
- Indices of severity and prognosis in the critical patient
- Rule of 20: monitoring of the critical patient
- Fluid therapy in the hospitalized patient
- Shock syndrome
- Transfusion medicine
- Nutrition of the critical patient
- Pharmacology and therapeutics of the critical patient
- Nosocomial infection and infectious pathology of the critical patient
- SIRS/sepsis/MODS/RI
- Diagnostic, monitoring and advanced life support techniques in the critically ill patient
- Advanced blood gas analysis
- Advanced hemodynamic monitoring in the critically ill patient
- Analgesia and anesthesia of the critical patient
- Mechanical ventilation of the critical patient

Scholarships and financial aid

Chek all the information on the possibilities for grants and scholarships in the page for UAB financial aids, grants and calls.

Coordinating centres

Departamento de Medicina y Cirugía Animal

Collaborating centres

Hospital Clínico Veterinario


Carlos Torrente Artero

Phone: 935811387

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