Specialisation Courses
  • UAB Specialisation Course
  • Code: 3162/17
  • 17th edition
  • Modality: Onsite
  • Credits: 6 ECTS
  • Start date: 07/01/2025
  • Finish date: 20/02/2025
  • Places: 30
  • Orientation: Professional
  • Price: 450 €
  • Teaching language: Spanish (80%), Catalan (20%)
  • Location: Facultat Ciències de l'Educació. Campus UAB, Bellaterra (Barcelona) i Facultat de Dret.UB Diagonal, 684, 08034 Barcelona.


Action of autonomic and local administrations on immigration:
- Models of the city: theory and practice
- Management of registration and support services
- Social settlement, housing-regrouping
- Political and administrative participation (suffrage and representation, associationalism and participation in administrative and planning processes)
- Instruments
Third Sector I. Incidence on the political agenda and public opinion. General framework.
Third Sector III. Action and mobilization of the third sector. The entities, organization, internal functioning and challenges.
Community mediation: from theory to practice.
Action and social transformation: advocacy and use of social networks II.
Instruments II: preparation of an awareness campaign based on social networks.

Scholarships and financial aid

Chek all the information on the possibilities for grants and scholarships in the page for UAB financial aids, grants and calls.

Coordinating centres

Departamento de Sociología

Collaborating centres

Departamento de Pedagogia Sistematica y Social
Departamento de Antropología Social y Cultural


Romina Paola Tavernelli

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