Specialisation Courses
  • UAB Specialisation Course
  • Code: 4871/2
  • 2nd edition
  • Modality: Onsite
  • Credits: 9 ECTS
  • Start date: 18/02/2025
  • Finish date: 17/06/2025
  • Places: 25
  • Orientation: Academic
  • Price: 666 €
  • Teaching language: Catalan
  • Location: Ajuntament de Barcelona, Pça. Sant Miquel
The course studies the legal regime of childhood and adolescence, from a transversal and interdisciplinary perspective. The European and international perspective is analyzed, apart from the Spanish and Catalan one.
We start from the need that children and adolescents should enjoy those necessary material and spiritual elements that allow them to grow harmoniously, an aspect that too often does not occur. The objective of the course is to provide training on the rights of children and adolescents to help meet their needs and improve the care of professionals.
It is a professionally and academically interdisciplinary training that offers a basic but exhaustive knowledge of the child's evolution in his growth and his personal, family and social situation and its influences on his development.
Knowledge of the rights of children and adolescents should help the different professionals who care for children in their growth to understand what priority attention should be in their work.
Considering that children need from the beginning the attention of parents, the family, the school and society in general, responding to the principle of the best interest of the Child, the course is aimed at various professionals who care for them, at every moment of their growth and specific needs. The aim is to promote transversal training that helps to understand the significance of their contribution and the involvement of the different professionals involved.
Internships will be carried out in institutions related to the care of minors, and workshops will also be held where the various forms of child care can be experienced.

Career opportunities

Addressed to lawyers and other legal professions: social work; doctors, psychologists, teachers and journalists. This course will improve the professional knowledge and skills related to children's law for people working with children. To this end, interaction between students and entities in the child and adolescent care sector will be encouraged, through student stays and talks by the professionals who work in the entities.

Scholarships and financial aid

Chek all the information on the possibilities for grants and scholarships in the page for UAB financial aids, grants and calls.

Coordinating centres

Instituto de Estudios Europeos

Collaborating centres

Departamento de Ciencia Política y de Derecho Público
Departamento de Derecho Privado


Juan Luis Perez Francesch

Phone: 607853635

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