Scan and deliver (PDI)
Scan of documents service
Who can use the service: academic or research staff with cost center assignment.
What can be requested: UAB libraries documents: periodical article, book chapters not available in a digital format, in accordance with the current intellectual property regulations.
What can't be requested: items available in electronic format, reserve collections or entire monographic journals.
Request process:
- Go to the form Scan and deliver (PDI) and fill in the sections “Dades del sol·licitant” with your personal information and “Dades del document” with information about the documents.
- Send the form to the library where the document is. Yo will see in the screen the information and number of your request.
- You will receive an email with all your information request.
How to retrieve your scanned document:
- You will receive scanned documents by email within 24-48h.
- First page: 0.348 euros
- Following pages: 0.05 euros per page