The Observatory for Equality presents new workshops on gender perspective

We have created three brand new workshops, compared with previous years, that focus on the fields of Law, Politics, and Economy. Each workshop costs 25€ and has a workload of 50 hours, both at classroom and from home. The workshops can be recognised as 2 ECTS credits.


We have created three brand new workshops, compared with previous years, that focus on the fields of LawPolitics, and Economy. Each workshop costs 25€ and has a workload of 50 hours, both at classroom and from home. The workshops can be recognised as 2 ECTS credits for undergraduate students. A total of 20 places will be offered, to be filled by order of registration.
The first workshop to be held is: “Pressupostos amb perspectiva de gènere: instrument per a la igualtat”. It will analyse budgets as a basic instrument in economy policies and their specific effect in inequalities between women and men. Coordinator: Prof. Carmen Sarasúa. Dates: Mon 29/02, 07/03 and Tue 01/03, 08/03, from 3 to 6 pm.
Regarding to Law, “Respostes legals contra la violència de gènere focuses on what is gender based violence, how it operates and how does it affect women. It will also analyse the different legal responses at international, state, and regional levels. Coordinators responsible in charge of this workshop are Encarna Bodelón González and Samara de las Heras Aguilera. It is scheduled for Tue 05/04, 12/04 and Thur 07/04, 14/04, from 3 to 6 pm.
Finally, the last workshop of the new training series is “Gènere, cooperació i conflictes armats” will deal with legal protection of gender in armed conflicts, contemporary issues, and international mechanisms for protection. It will be coordinated by Núria Saura from the Department of Politic Science and Public Law at UAB, and held on Mon 02/05, 09/05 and Wed 04/05, 11/05from 4 to 7 pm.
Parallel to these new three workshops, the registration for the "Taller d'intervenció en salut psicològica amb un enfocament de gènere i social" and On són les dones? Taller sobre les dificultats i aportacions de les dones a la ciència i a la psicologia are already opened.
Registration for the workshops is already open at the Observatory’s website and will be closed when the available places are covered or the day previous to the start of each workshop. All information about the lecturers and the programmes is also available in the web. For further information, please contact