The Faculty has celebrated the second round of the 2019-2022 Promotion Act

Alumnes de la Promoció 19-22 a la seva graduació.

Last Friday, November 24th, in the Arnau Room in Vilanova of the Hotel Campus UAB, the event of Promotion of various degrees of the Faculty of Sciences was held.


This year 2023, new developments have been established in the traditional graduation ceremony and has become a promotion party. As always, it is an act of farewell and celebration of the promotions that are ready to finish their studies.

On 24 November, students of the 2019-2022 promotion of Applied Statistics, Physics, Computational Mathematics and Data Analytical, Nanosciences and Nanotechnology and the double degrees in Physics and Chemistry, and Physics and Mathematics were invited to participate.  And, also, to all those of previous promotions that have never been invited to the graduation ceremony of these degrees.

A total of 347 students were invited to collect their diploma and have the recognition of their effort during the degrees.  

The event was opened and led by Dr. Juan Jesús Donaire Benito, dean of the Faculty of Sciences.  It had the parliament of Mrs Tania Gonz.lez Puga, of the Degree in Physics; Mrs Judith Ugas Merino and Mr Guillermo Raya Garcia, of the Degree in Computational Mathematics and Data Analytics; Mr. Ramiro Pérez Becher, of the Degree in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology; and Mr. Jofre Abellanet Vidal and Aleix Fornieles Espinel, of the Degree in Chemistry  Dr. Javier Lafuente Sancho, rector of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, gave a speech and the closing ceremony.  Finally, the Gaudeamus Igitur anthem put an end to the event. 

Here you can see the photographs of the Promotion event.