Information session on Fulbright American study grants

Fulbright grants permit students to spend up to two years at universities in the US and enrol in a master's degree, PhD programme or conduct predoctoral research. On 15 February, students will be able to attend an information session at the cinema hall of the Plaça Cívica.


On 15 February, at noon, there will be an information session on Fulbright grants at the cinema hall of the Plaça Cívica. The session will include Màrius Martínez, Vice Rector for International Relations at the UAB; Alberto López, Executive Director of the Fulbright Commission in Spain; and Kathy Matles, academic consultant of the programme.

The Commission for Cultural, Educational and Scientific Cooperation between the United States and Spain is responsible for administering the Fulbright Program, addressed to graduates interested in master's degree, PhD progammes and, in exceptional cases, in predoctoral research projects in American universities. The grants are awarded for a period of 12 months and can be renewed for an additional 12 months.

The grants include tuition fees, travel expenses, books and materials, living expenses, medical insurance and accidents, as well as a whole set of support services. Applications can be submitted until 16 March.

The programme was created in 1946 by Senator James William Fulbright and since then has helped a total of 300,000 people. It receives funding chiefly from the US Congress, although it also counts on the economic support of other public and private entities, as well as funding from the countries participating in the programme. At the UAB, 219 students have already benefited from a Fulbright scholarship. In 2014, the programme received the Prince of Asturias Award in the International Cooperation category.

More information: Fulbright