The UAB's Open Days

The UAB's Open Days, visits to the campus and to centres, and Family Days, are some of the activities programmed by Visit the UAB, which gives future students the chance to get to know the UAB first-hand.


Open Days

On 6, 7 and 8 February 2018 over 200 conferences in different teaching centres will be offered on all the UAB's bachelor's degrees, including new academic programmes. The conference will be given by UAB professors. It is the best way to discover first-hand the academic programme, how it works, career options, etc. which each student is interested in. Registration open.

Campus visits

Visit the university: the teaching centres, campus, services, etc. These visits are different to those offered on Open Days: those interested do not sign up for a conference on bachelor's degrees, but have a whole morning to discover the UAB and its campus. Visits take place from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., Mondays to Fridays, from November to June. Registration open.

Visits to secondary education centres

If you have trouble coming to the activities offered at the UAB campus, don't worry! UAB lecturers can also come and visit your centre or town council to talk about the academic programmes. They can give you a general sense of what can be studied at the UAB as well as explain other aspects of interest for students. programmes, campus, services... if you need more information on a specific degree, you can come and visit us on Open Days. Registration open.

Family Days

On Saturday 5 May 2018 the university opens its doors to future students and their families as a way to discover the degrees offered, the campus and its buildings, and the services provided to all of the university community. This activity is focused on the faculties and the different degrees offered at each centre. It is a good opportunity to discover an exceptional campus alongside the family. Registrations will open during the month of January. More information.

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