More than 100 projects access the NFFA's nano-scientific infrastructures

Més de 100 projectes accedeixen a les infraestructures nanocientífiques de l’NFFA
After 18 months, the NFFA-Europe project has received more than 165 applications to access the nanoscale research facilities, laboratories and services of the twenty institutions that are part of it. Of these, 103 projects have been accepted, of which 10 have used the facilities of the research centers of the UAB campus.


Just over a year and a half from its official start, NFFA-Europe have opened five calls, to make available to researchers and companies from all regions of Europe the infrastructures they need to develop their project in all its phases, and with the most specific and precise methods: from developing theoretical models and numerical simulations with super-computers, to synthesising nanomaterials and different processes for manufacturing and characterising structures on the nano scale.

Up to 165 proposals were received in this period. These proposals came from 28 countries, mostly from Europe (Italy, Germany, France, Spain, UK…), but including as well 6 Third Countries (India, Russia, USA, Japan, Chile). Of all the applications, 103 have been accepted and have been assigned the most appropriate installation for the development of their project, always from a country other than that of their research group. 10% of the proposals were closely linked to industrial users.

In the UAB Campus, five nanoscience and nanotechnology institutions are taking part in this project, among them being the Institute of Microelectronics of Barcelona (IMB-CNM, CSIC), the Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona (ICMAB CSIC), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), the UAB Research Park (PRUAB) and the Catalan Institute for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2).

These research centers have already hosted more than ten users, who have used their facilities and equipment to develop research projects.