Maria Prats Ferret, new director of the UAB's Observatory for Equality

After two years leading the UAB's Observatory for Equality, Joana Gallego hands over the direction to lecturer Maria Prats Ferret.


From 1 January, Maria Prats Ferret is the new director of the Observatory for Equality and takes the lead after Joana Gallego, who has been the director of the Observatory for two years and now has stepped down for personal reasons.
Maria Prats Ferret is a lecturer in Regional Geographic Analysis at the Department of Geography and carries out research on social geography from an intersectional perspective, mainly on geography and gender and on childhood and youth geographies. She is a member of the Research Group on Geography and Gender(UAB), a study group with the main goal of consolidating the feminist perspective in geography and achieving gender mainstreaming in the field. Besides, she is a lecturer in the Interuniversity Master on Women, Gender and Citizenship, a member of the Interuniversity Institute on Women and Gender Studies and the coordinator of the UAB's Minor in Gender Studies.
It should be noted that over the last years she has beeen part of the Observatory for Equality's Advisory Council and has collaborated in several actions.