Good practice collection on smart specialisation

Bones Parctiques HIGHER
The HIGHER Project,led by the UAB Research Park, have collected a good practices of innovation policies to provide innovation stakeholders with an overview of examples in the design and implementation of smart specialisation.


The concept of Smart Specialisation Strategies has emerged as an important approach in Europe and beyond for delivering smart, sustainable and inclusive growth through the adaptation of innovation policies to the regional context. Smart specialisation is based on identifying the unique characteristics, assets and competitive advantages of each region, and bringing regional stakeholders and resources together to promote innovation, to commercialise research and to tackle societal challenges.

The development and implementation of smart specialisation strategies can be a complex process; the HIGHER Good Practice Collection on Smart Specialisation is, therefore, designed to showcase different good practice examples from European regions, focusing on how to overcome some of the most common challenges faced when facilitating the smart specialisation process under four key themes: the entrepreneurial discovery process, good governance, transnational collaboration and value chains, monitoring and evaluating smart specialisation strategies.

More information: The HIGHER Good Practice Collection