Degree's Day 2024 - Formative and Ocupability activities at the School

Next Friday, May 10, is Faculty Degree's Day.
There are training activities scheduled at both the Bellaterra campus and the Sabadell campus
Next Friday, May 10, both on the Sabadell campus and on the Bellaterra campus, is the Faculty's Degree Day where a series of specific training activities will be held. This is an initiative that is being put into practice for the first time during this academic year 2023-24 and which aims to allocate an entire day to the organization of training activities and to promote employability for our students. We hope that this initiative will be a success with attendance and participation by students and teachers.
The planned program of activities, which may be updated, is:
Bellaterra campus
- From 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.: Elevator Pich Competition in the Sala de Graus.
Participants must present their professional profile in 1 minute before a jury made up of three professors from the Faculty.
The winner will receive a tablet as a prize.
You must register in the following link - From 11:50 to 13:00: Round table "Skills most in demand by companies" Sala de Graus. Organized by the Faculty's Student Council.
- From 13:00 to 15:00: Speed networking in the Masters Classroom (and attached study space). Organized by the Faculty's Student Council.
Campus of Sabadell
- See the attached document below