Call for teaching innovation support 2024

The call is aimed at giving support to the development of teaching and innovation research proposals that are interdisciplinary and cross-curricular with impact on student learning and that are transferable to the university community. Applications can be presented from 22 April to 22 May 2024.
A new call for grants has been launched for the development of projects related to official undergraduate programmes that take into account teaching needs and provide proposals for improvement transferable to the university community.
The call includes two project modalities:
- Modality A. Teaching innovation projects for the 2024/25 academic year (annual projects).
- Modality B. Teaching innovation and academic research projects for the 2024/25 and 2025/26 academic years (biennial projects).
As a novelty this year, within the framework of the Research and Innovation Training Programme, modality B of the call has the objective of supporting the development of interdisciplinary and cross-curricular research proposals in teaching and innovation that have an impact on student learning and are transferable to the university community.
The evaluation committee will evaluate the projects with a score from 0 to 10, taking into account the criteria of the call. The evaluation committee is made up of the Vice Rector for Studies and Quality, who chairs it, the director of the Institute of Educational Studies, the coordinator of the Training-Innovation Unit, the deputy director of the Institute of Educational Studies, a dean or director of the school, or the person to whom he/she delegates, from each of the four areas of knowledge, and a technical support person from the Training Unit.
The call is organised by the Coordination of Academic Training and Innovation of the Institute of Educational Studies and the Training Unit.
More information can be found on the intranet at
Applications can be submitted to the UAB electronic office from 22 April to 22 May 2024.