Professional language services

Fees: Text Correction

Fees - 2024-2025 - Text Correction


CATALAN General-purpose texts Specialised texts Galley proofs
Institutional documents and teaching materials* 0.0146 € 0.0182 € 0.0115 €
Other university documents 0.0175 € 0.0219 € 0.0138 €
Documents from external clients 0.0218 € 0.0273 € 0.0172 €


SPANISH General-purpose texts Specialised texts Galley proofs
Institutional documents and teaching materials 0.0146 € 0.0182 € 0.0115 €
Other university documents 0.0175 € 0.0219 € 0.0138 €
Documents from external clients 0.0218 € 0.0273 € 0.0172 €


(English, French, Italian, Portuguese)
General-purpose texts Specialised texts
Institutional documents and teaching materials 0.0316 € 0.0395 €
Other university documents 0.0380 € 0.0475 €
Documents from external clients 0.0473 € 0.0592 €


(German, Dutch, etc.)
General-purpose texts Specialised texts
Institutional documents and teaching materials 0.0378 € 0.0472 €
Other university documents 0.0454 € 0.0567 €
Documents from external clients 0.0566 € 0.0707 €


(Arabic, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, etc.)
General-purpose texts Specialised texts
Institutional documents and teaching materials 0.0872 € 0.1090 €
Other university documents 0.1046 € 0.1308 €
Documents from external clients 0.1304 € 0.1630 €

Fees indicated do not include VAT.

* Correction of institutional documents and teaching materials is funded 100% by the UAB.
The fee to be applied in each case is determined by the clarity and terminological or conceptual complexity of the text.
Fees listed are charged per word. The minimum fee corresponds to one page, which is calculated at 350 words.
A 10% surcharge is applied to the correction of web pages.
A 30% surcharge is applied to urgent projects.

A project is considered urgent if submission is required within a deadline that is less than the following (in terms of working days as specified in the UAB’s working calendar):
1-5 pages: 2 days
6-10 pages: 4 days
11-20 pages: 7 days

One additional day is added for every ten additional pages.