University Master's Degree in Physiotherapy of the Thorax

Advanced training in cardiorespiratory physiotherapy for professional physiotherapists capable of adequately fulfilling therapeutic and preventive needs in all areas of health

General information

UAB's Virtual Fair for Master's Degrees, Graduate Courses and PhD Programmes

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  • UAB University Master's Degree
  • Credits: 60 ECTS
  • Course begins on 26/09/2024
    Course ends on 28/06/2025
  • Beginning of the pre-enrolment period 08/04/2024
    See the calendar
  • Pre-registration period: Open
  • Places: 30 places
  • Price: 6.940,20 (2023/2024 academic year)

  • Language: Spanish (42%), English (20%), French (18%), Catalan (20%).
  • Mode: classroom-based learning

  • Teaching centre: "Gimbernat" School of Nursing and Physiotherapy (affiliated school)

Advances in physiotherapy techniques and the incorporation of new concepts in all the areas it involves (scientific, behavioural, new technologies, etc.) imply a need for the constant renewal of knowledge and skills.

This is made difficult by the lack of specifically regulated training in Physiotherapy of the Thorax in this country, training that is needed in order to come into line with the other European Union countries, where there is a long tradition of cardio-respiratory physiotherapists in medical teams.

These are the reasons that have led the EUIF Gimbernat and the UAB to create this master's degree in Physiotherapy of the Thorax.

This advanced programme in cardio-respiratory physiotherapy aims to provide our healthcare system with physiotherapists who can effectively meet therapy and prevention needs in all areas of healthcare: in both adult care and pediatrics, in hospitals and in primary care, from intensive care to home care, and who are also trained in the methodology of evidence-based clinical practice.

Career options

Career options for graduates of this master's degree lie in:
  • the healthcare sector: both public and private and in hospitals, primary and specialist care centres, social and health care, home-based care and private practice;
  • the social services: care homes for the elderly, day centres, centres for the physically or mentally handicapped, special education schools, associations of cardio-respiratory patients;
  • teaching: mainly in university schools of physiotherapy, education in the media, public health programmes, professional associations, and patients' associations;
  • research: joining existing interdisciplinary teams;
  • possibly, the centres abroad where students carry out their work placements.

Work placements

Coordinator university:

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Additional information


AQU Catalunya quality seal of the Official Master's Degree in  Physiotherapy of the Thorax

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