Study plan Bachelor's Degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics - UAB/UPF/UAM/UC3M

Study guides

Title of qualification awarded

Degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics

Table of credits for each course

  Basic training Compulsory Optional Bachelor's Degree Final Project
1st year 36 24    
2nd year 24 36    
3rd year   30 78 credits  
4th year   12
Totals 60 90 78 credits 12

Basic and compulsory training

1st year 2nd year
1st semester (UPF)
- Introduction to Political Science
- Constitutional Organisation of the State
- Mathematics
- History of Political Philosophy
- Modern History
2nd semester (UAB)
- The Government and Public Policies
- Microeconomics
- Interdisciplinary Seminar I
- Ethics
- History of Economic Thought
1st semester (UAM)
- Political Actors and Collective Action
- Political Analysis and Theories of Democracy
- Macroeconomics
- Descriptive Statistics
- Contemporary Political Philosophy
2nd semester (UC3M)
- International Politics
- Microeconomic Theory
- Introduction to Econometrics
- Logic and Argumentation
- Interdisciplinary Seminar II
3rd and 4th years
(offered by lecturers at the UAB)
- Theory of Society
- Analysis of Social Discourse
- Research Methodology in Political Science
- Econometrics (*)
- Applied Statistics (*)
- Research Seminar
- Bachelor's Degree Final Project

(*) You must choose one of these two subjects.


Optional subjects

3rd and 4th years
(offered by the Pompeu Fabra University)
- Philosophy and Contemporary Thought
- Society and Culture in the Contemporary World
- Development, Globalisation and Cultural Traditions
- Ethics, Rationality and Democracy
- Communication, Politics and Society
- Citizenship and Government
- State of Welfare and Justice
- Public Policies and Management
- Analysis Tools for Social Sciences
- Markets, Regulation and Welfare
- Law
- Sociology
- Work Experience
- Work Placement