Study plan Bachelor's Degree in Nursing (affiliated centre)

Bachelor's Degree Final Project

The Final Degree Thesis (TFG) is a compulsory subject of 9 ECTS aimed at evaluating the skills associated with the degree.

TFG registration requirements:
According to the general regulations and the UAB residence regulations, 4th year Nursing Degree students who meet the established requirements can enroll:

Have completed a minimum of 2/3 (160 ECTS) of the total credits of the degree (240 ECTS).
The student must also have enrolled in all the subjects required to obtain the degree.

In order to enroll in fourth-year undergraduate courses, you must have passed at least all first-year subjects.

General description of the Final Degree Project:
The Final Degree Thesis (TFG) is a compulsory subject of 9 ECTS aimed at evaluating the skills associated with the degree. The TFG is a mostly autonomous activity supervised and evaluated by a tutor. Its purpose is the application of the skills acquired during the training process followed during the Nursing Degree and constitutes an integrative or synthesis exercise of the studies to consolidate the training received.

The student, Degree in Nursing, will choose a topic related to one of the following thematic areas proposed by the EUI-Sant Pau

  • Basics of Nursing
  • Clinical Nursing
  • Community Nursing
  • Practicum

Basic characteristics of the TFG:
The TFG entails the completion, by the student, of a work in which the knowledge, capacities, skills and abilities required in teaching the Nursing Degree are applied, integrated and developed (see annex 1). The student will be able to choose between two different types when it comes to focusing and structuring the TFG: the professionalizing option and the research option.

Student in mobility and exchange programs:
The presentation and oral defense will take place during the month of May and the last week is reserved for students who are in a mobility program.

Stages of the TFG and evaluation:
The following weightings will be considered in the evaluation process:

Tutorial follow-up: 25% (5% delivery in November + 5% delivery in January + 15% tutorial follow-up). Given the practical nature of the classes and seminars, the teaching staff will be able to carry out the assessment of the student's use of them based on the control of class attendance and a written test.
Report of the written work: 45%.
Presentation and oral defense of the work: 30%. The presentation and oral defense will take place during the month of May and the last week will be reserved for students who are in a mobility program. For the presentation of the work, a favorable report from the tutor is required. The oral defense is carried out before a panel made up of two professors of the degree.

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