Sant Jordi in the #bibliotequesUAB

Dibuix de Rosa Ferreres

Do you want to celebrate Sant Jordi’s Day with us?


From the 19th to the 22nd of April the #bibliotequesUAB will celebrate Sant Jordi with many activities:

-Presentation of the book ‘La vida es música: vive la música’ by Jordi Albero, on Thursday 21 April at 1 pm in the Social Sciences Library. The event will be accompanied by an interview and a small musical performance.

-Recommendations of podcasts and Youtube channels on books and literature in the Library of Communication and General Newspaper Library and recommendation of books in the Library of Veterinary Medicine.

-The activity ‘The Dragon without scales’ at the Science and Technology Library.
-Inauguration of a photographic exhibition by the AFOCER association at the Library of Medicine.

-‘Photocall ’of Sant Jordi in the Sabadell University Library.
-Exchange of bookmarks at the Humanities Library.

And you can take 1 book for 1 euro from the Social, Humanities, Sabadell, Veterinary, Medicine and Communication and General Newspaper Library libraries.

We still have more activities, but you will have to discover them by coming to the UAB Libraries!

This information is related to the following SDG

  • Peace, justice and strong institutions
  • Quality education