Mathematics for a better world

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The Science and Technology Library gives up its exhibition spaces to two international mathematical celebrations


March 14, traditionally Pi Day, is also the International Day of Mathematics that this year was celebrated under the motto "Mathematics for a better world" with the intention of highlighting the transcendental role that they have and still play in managing the pandemic.

For this reason, the Science and Technology Library hosts the Mathematics and COVID exhibition, organized by professors Rosa Camps and Xavier Mora from the UAB Department of Mathematics.

Because mathematics is fighting daily against COVID-19: data on the evolution of the epidemic are analyzed to make predictions and models of spread, bioinformatics algorithms are essential to examine the phylogenetic tree of the virus, and mathematics is also present in the tomography scans that obtain 3D images of the virus. And with this exhibition we want to highlight these aspects and some other no less important.

On the other hand, between May 2020 and July 2021, the International Year of Women in Statistics and Data Science is celebrated, in commemoration of the 200th anniversary of Florence Nightingale (1820-1910), a pioneer in developing graphics for data visualization in addition to nursing. And the Library houses a brief synopsis about her legacy as well as a representation of the women of the Faculty of Sciences who work in data science and, especially, about the late Anna Espinal (1965-2019). This exhibition has been prepared by Professor Rosa Camps and Isabel Serra, researcher and Head of Transfer at the Center for Mathematical Research (CRM).

Both exhibitions will be available until April 9.

Come to visit them!


Photographs of the Mathematics and COVID exhibition:

Photographs of the International Year of Women in Statistics exhibition: