The graduation of University Master's Degree in Legal Profession students has been celebrated

Alumnes del Màster de l'Advocacia 2022/23 a la seva graduació

The Master’s Degree in Legal Profession students of the 2022-2023 academic year celebrated their graduation on the 10th of November.


The academic ceremony had the following structure:


4:45 p.m. Reception at the Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Law.

5 p.m. Opening of the ceremony held by the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Dr Susana Navas Navarro.

5:05 p.m. Speech by Ms Cristina Vallejo Ros, representing the Barcelona Bar Association (ICAB).

5:15 p.m. Speech by Hon. Ms Eulàlia Barros Navinés, dean of the Sabadell Bar Association (ICASBD).

5:25 p.m. Speech by Mr Luis Brun Menéndez, professional coordinator of the University Master’s Degree in Legal Profession and Legal Representation.

5:35 p.m. Speech by Dr Jorge Miquel Rodriguez, former coordinator of the University Master’s Degree in Legal Profession.

5:40 p.m. Speech by Ms Petra Cebollada Bretones, Student of the University Master’s Degree in Legal Profession.

5:45 p.m. Delivery of diplomas.

6 p.m. Closing of the ceremony held by the Dean of the Faculty of Law.


Click the link to see some pictures of the event.