6th call of the "Colección Jóvenes Juristas"

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With the aim to encourage research among young jurists as well as to facilitate the publication of their first scientific works, Editorial Astigi continues with its “Colección Jóvenes Juristas” (Young Jurists Collection).



FIRST.- Each participant may take part in the call with one piece of work. All participants who wish to engage in an academic career are allowed to participate, without considering their age, but only their beginnings in research. Therefore, jurists that are not civil servants (Professors or Full Professors) can participate: interns, associate professors, doctors or PhD students, assistant or contract professors, or any other law professional (from any legal profession or career outside university) who wish to obtain merits in research.

SECOND.- Works, which must have a minimum length of 5 pages and a maximum of 10 pages (in Word format, 1.5 line spacing, font style Times New Roman, font size 12 for text and 10 for notes), should be sent to info@editorialastigi.com before 12 a.m. on the 7th of April 2024.

THIRD.- Any aspect concerning ARTIFICAL INTELLIGENCE and LAW may be studied from any legal perspective (historical, contemporary, lex ferenda, national, international, or comparative law).

FOURTH.- The received works may be evaluated by a commission of Law professors from universities in Seville, headed by Full Professor José Martín Ostos.

FIFHT.- The selected works may be published in a volume with their corresponding ISBN and Legal Deposit, and will become part of the collection of the publishing house under the number 6 of the “Colección Jóvenes Juristas”.

SIXTH.- Participation in the call implies that the signatory of each work is the author thereof, and that the work has not been published anywhere else.

SEVENTH.- The author of the selected work authorizes the Editorial ASTIGI, without any consideration, to include it in a book under the title “INTELIGENCIA ARTIFICIAL Y DERECHO”. 

EIGHTH.- Each author may acquire as many copies as desired with a 30% discount.