Multimedia and IT Resources Service (SERIM)

The Multimedia and IT Resources Service (Catalan acronym SERIM) is for FTI users: students, teaching and administrative staff (PAS). Its main role is to provide the necessary support for computer and interpreting classrooms.

The Faculty has five multimedia classrooms with approximately 150 computers, and a mobile cabinet with 30 laptops to borrow. All of them to provide support for both teaching and practical sessions. There are also three interpreting rooms with a total of 53 sound-proofed booths, equipped with interpreting systems similar to those used by public European public institutions. The conventional classrooms are equipped so that lecturers can work with new technologies, and SERIM also provides them with digital recording and editing equipment to produce their own audiovisual teaching materials.

Office hours

- Monday to Thursday 8-16:30 h
- Friday 8-14 h

8-14 h

No service

Multimedia and IT Resources Service

Head of the Distributed Computing Service of Ciències de l'Educació i Traducció i Interpretació
Maria Isabel Castellano López
+34 93 581 2464

+34 93 581 2464

David Galisteo Tejada
Toni Martínez Ingelmo