Study plan Bachelor's Degree in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology


  • Identify fundamental theories, concepts and phenomena from the fields of physics, chemistry and biology that describe the properties of organic and inorganic matter.
  • Recognise the most appropriate mathematical models and tools used for solving basic problems in the field of experimental science.
  • Identify variations in the physicochemical properties of matter on the nanometric scale compared to the macroscopic scale.
  • Describe the methods and techniques used to synthesise, characterise and study the properties of nano-systems that can also be used in nanotechnology.
  • Describe the main systems and devices used in micro and nanotechnology, as well as the properties and characteristics of the organic and inorganic materials they are made of.
  • Identify the fundamental principles of biochemistry and biology used in methods and applications in the field of diagnosis and therapy. 
  • Recognise the socioeconomic, environmental and cultural progress society has made thanks to research, innovation and technological development in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology.


  • Draw on knowledge from the fields of physics, chemistry, engineering and biology that help explain phenomena on micro- and nanoscales.
  • Use the scientific and technological knowledge acquired throughout the programme to solve quantitative and qualitative problems in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology.
  • Follow general laboratory safety rules, codes of conduct and specific regulations when handling and recycling instrumentation, equipment and chemical and biological products and materials, whilst taking into account their properties and risks.
  • Handle instruments and equipment from physical, chemical and biological laboratories in order to understand and analyse nano-systems and their properties.
  • Use the basic nanofabrication and nanomanipulation tools and techniques to obtain nanostructures, nano-systems and nanodevices of technological interest.
  • Gather, analyse and present qualitative and quantitative data and observations.
  • Draw on the scientific, technological, economic and social knowledge that is also relevant to nanotechnologies.
  • Communicate and disseminate information from the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology clearly and concisely to different types of audiences while using the most appropriate language and tools.


  • Transfer skills and knowledge on the micro and nanometric scales to the academic and professional spheres.
  • Propose methods and processes in the fields of nanoscience and nanotechnology in order to provide innovative solutions to society's needs and demands.
  • Work in multidisciplinary teams in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology to develop personal values regarding interpersonal relationships and group work.
  • Work autonomously on activities and projects in the fields of nanoscience and nanotechnologies.
  • Take action in the fields of nanoscience and nanotechnology after assessing the social, economic and environmental impact of these professions.
  • Help develop projects related to nanoscience and nanotechnology, taking care to show ethical responsibility and respect for fundamental rights and duties, diversity and democratic values, in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals.
  • Analyse inequalities based on sex or gender that manifest in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology.
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