Study plan Bachelor's Degree in Biology


  • Define the concepts and methods in the field of biology, according to different perspectives, approaches or schools of thought.
  • Describe the different levels of organisation of living organisms, identifying them from the molecular scale to ecosystems.
  • Relate the structures and processes that determine the functioning of living beings at each of their levels of organisation.
  • Describe the development, growth and biological cycles of living organisms.
  • Identify living beings using different methodologies and tools (macroscopic, microscopic and molecular).
  • Describe the physical and chemical basis of the basic processes of living organisms.
  • Identify mathematical, statistical and bioinformatics tools applied to biological problem solving.
  • Identify valid and reliable sources of scientific information to support the state of the art of a biological problem and to be able to address its resolution.


  • Apply the most up-to-date methodologies and knowledge of the different branches of biology to the resolution of society's problems.
  • Apply biostatistics and bioinformatics resources in the analysis and interpretation of biological data.
  • Obtain specimens and materials of biological origin for subsequent laboratory analysis.
  • Plan specific experiments in the different branches of biology to be carried out later.
  • Carry out specific biological diagnoses and reports on the different branches of biology.
  • Analyse the origin, evolution and diversity of living beings.
  • Carry out characterisation, management, conservation and restoration studies of biological populations, communities and ecosystems.
  • Develop a historical vision of biology by identifying the main protagonists and milestones achieved over time and their implications for the advancement of the discipline.
  • Develop the independent learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy.


  • Propose changes in methods and processes in the field of biology in order to provide innovative responses to the needs and demands of society.
  • Evaluate the social, economic and environmental impact while working in the field of biology.
  • Work in the field of biology with ethical responsibility and respect for fundamental rights and duties, diversity, democratic values and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  • Evaluate sex/gender inequalities while working in the field of biology.
  • Communicate biological knowledge and project results clearly, orally and in writing, to both specialist and non-specialist audiences.
  • Design experimental processes and advisory services related to the different fields of biology.
  • Design research projects in the different fields of biology.
  • Integrate the knowledge of the Bachelor's Degree in Biology in a professional environment.
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