Study plan Bachelor's Degree in Applied Statistics


  • Identify the mathematical, statistical and computing tools present in the statistical methods used in data analysis.
  • Recognise the presence of random phenomena in diverse disciplines where statistical methods will need to be applied. 
  • Recognise the theoretical and methodological aspects of statistics to use them in data analysis.
  • Identify methods of statistical inference as a tool for forecasting and prediction.
  • Identify the usefulness and potential of the statistical knowledge acquired in the different fields of application.
  • Describe the socioeconomic, environmental and cultural progress of society brought about by research and innovation in the field of statistics.
  • Identify the ethical implications of aspects related to statistical analysis, including study design, data collection and data analysis. 


  • Analyse different types of data using statistical methods and techniques.
  • Select suitable sources and data acquisition and management techniques for statistical processing.
  • Select the mathematical tools suitable for the study of the theoretical and practical aspects of probability, statistics and machine learning.
  • Select statistical models or techniques to use in studies and real problems.
  • Use computer software for numerical calculation, symbolic calculation, graphic visualisation, optimisation and statistical analysis to solve problems.
  • Correctly apply the statistical tools to draw relevant conclusions in the different fields of use.
  • Correctly use the validation tools of statistical models.
  • Interpret the results of the statistical work within the context of the specific applications.
  • Extract relevant information from books, articles and other bibliographical resources in the field of statistics and its applications.
  • Communicate the conclusions of a data analysis, orally or in writing, for both specialised and for a non-specialised audiences.


  • Interpret the results of statistical studies to draw conclusions that can be used to write technical reports in the field of statistics and its professional uses.
  • Design a statistical study to solve a real problem.
  • Formulate statistical hypotheses, developing strategies to confirm them or refute them.
  • Create statistical tools to solve non-standard problems in the different areas of knowledge to provide innovative answers to the needs and requirements of society. 
  • Correctly apply statistical tools to draw relevant conclusions in the field of statistical data analysis in the professional sphere.
  • Validate the statistical studies used in real problem-solving.
  • Assess the ethical, economic and/or social responsibilities of the results in the statistical studies conducted.
  • Use data analysis to assess the existence of inequalities on the grounds of sex/gender in different fields of the use of statistics.
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