Animal Science

Pulmó de fura amb multiples lessions inflamatòries granulomatoses
03/2008 -

A new viral disease in ferrets

A new multisystemic disease in ferrets caused by a coronavirus has been described for the first time. This findig opens a new way of research of the role of coronavirus in animal diseases.


"Identification of group I coronavirus antigen in multisystemic granulomatous lesions in ferrets (Mustela putorius furo)". Martinez, J; Reinacher, M; Perpinan, D; Ramis, A. JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE PATHOLOGY, 138 (1): 54-58 JAN 2008

In the last four years, some veterinary clinicians dedicated to exotic medicine in Barcelona observed a new disease in ferrets similar to feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) in cats. FIP is a multisystemic and fatal disease of cats caused by the Feline Coronavirus.

We performed an histopathological study of some tissues from nine of these ferrets and we observed different inflammatory lesions (granulomas) similar to those described in cats with FIP. Using a monoclonal antibody (FCV3-70) we also detect viral antigen of group 1 coronavirus in tissue samples from eight of these animals. This is the first description of a new multisystemic disease in ferrets caused by one coronavirus. Moreover, these findings open a new way of research of the role of coronavirus in animal diseases.

Jorge Martínez Martínez

Department of Animal Health and Anatomy

2024 Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

B.11870-2012 ISSN: 2014-6388