
Teatre de l'Oprimit
01/2008 -

Oppressed Man Theatre: Paulo Freire and Augusto Boal

This PhD thesis explores the social educative dimensions of the Oppressed Man Theatre, by Augusto Boal, and how it relates to the Oppressed Man Pedagogy, by Paulo Freire. The methodology of the Oppressed Man Theatre can be used in the educational process, as it allows the exchange of knowledge and experiences, and facilitates debates on social problems.


PhD thesis "Dimensões sócio educativas do teatro do oprimido: Paulo Freire e Augusto Boal" Presenteada por Tânia Marcia BARAUNA TEIXEIRA (Departament de Pedagogia Sistemàtica i Social, UAB)

This investigation work was based on bibliographic analysis and field research, over methodological proposals of Oppressed Man Pedagogy by Paulo Freire and the Oppressed Man Theatre by Augusto Boal. We have analysed and established link points, the relationships between the two methodologies, and the social educative actions provided by these methods.

We have considered the Oppressed Man Theatre, having as references studies from researchers who see this subject under the view of a system influenced by their social, politic and cultural contexts. Once the research subjects were observed, and having narrated their experiences, we have adopted a descriptive and qualitative approach, having a phenomenological study as basis. The research has a multi-instrumental methodological perspective, combining and using many investigation instruments, such as semi-structured interviews, life stories, and narratives of the participants experiences.

Data were collected in informal conversations, open-depth interviews and life narratives. While systematizing results, we initially examined experience as a whole. For the testimonials analysis, the following proceedings were observed: order and classification of data, considering the convergent and diverting points of studied process, joining information with the theoretical referential and study objectives. We point out on the field analysis the moments of social educative intervention, most significant, in which the participants shared experiences acquired in the meetings. Through investigation we have confirmed that the participants of Oppressed Man Theatre Centre find this experience positive, and that it helps participants perceive oppression situations in their lives and acquire a greater perception of oppressed-oppressor role.

Moreover, it allows "expect-actors", actors and audience to show their ideas in scene, exercise with ability real life actions, in a conscious way, as a means of strengthening to act in their own lives. The Oppressed Man Theatre presents pedagogic aspects, over than social, cultural, politic and therapeutic. The “joker”, (theatrical entertainer), that is the activities’ conductor, practices a pedagogic and theatrical function. We have concluded that the Oppressed Man Theatre methodology can be used in the educational process, for it allows the exchange of knowledge and experiences, constituting a facilitation instrument to discuss social problems and of social educative intervention.

Tânia Baraúna

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

2024 Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

B.11870-2012 ISSN: 2014-6388