
Nena subjectant un petit globus terráqueo en les seves mans.
12/2007 -

Culture, identity and narrative: collaborative learning in the intercultural school

This work is based on an investigation from an ethnographic perspective, that aimed to identify the main elements on the construction of the identity in the digital narratives of children from minority ethnic groups in the Catalan culture.


PhD Thesis “Culture, identity and narrative: collaborative learning in the intercultural school”. Presented on December 14 2007 by Adolfo Pizzinato and tutored by Dr. José Luis Lalueza, Department of Basic, Evolutive and Educational Psychology.

This work is based on an investigation from an ethnographic perspective, that aimed to identify the main elements on the construction of the identity in the digital narratives of children from minority ethnic groups in the Catalan culture. These narratives have been built in a space of collaborative learning in the school context, using mainly technological tools as sound, image and computer software. The results point to a process of identity?s construction marked by ethnic, contextual and evolutive aspects, in a contemporary relation of hybridization between tradition and modernity; globalization and the environment; or childhood and adolescence. It also shows the notions of audience of the narrative productions, discursive genders used and the relationship between the main social actors involved on this intervention/research: the pupils, the teachers and the university students, on a collective process of collaborative construction of shared senses in a community of practice.


Department of Basic, Developmental and Educational Psychology

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

2024 Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

B.11870-2012 ISSN: 2014-6388