Automodificación de matrícula
Registration modification self service
If you want to modify your registration to make a group change, a subject cancelation and/or an extension, within the period assigned for these purposes in the academic calendar, you must pay the amount set out in the Decree on public prices.
Aside from the amount of the newly enrolled credits, if applicable, you will only pay the public price of your modification the first time you request this modification.
You can modify your registration in Online service and formalities. You will need your UAB NIU and password.
List of the centres/studies with Trilingual registration modification self service:
- Faculty of Biosciences: all undergraduate studies
- Faculty of Sciences: all undergraduate studies, except Chemistry and Physicist
- Faculty of Education: all undergraduate studies
- Faculty of Politica Science and Sociology: all undergraduate studies
- Faculty of Communication Studies: all undergraduate studies
- Faculty of Law: all undergraduate studies
- Faculty of Philosophy and Arts: all undergraduate studies
- Faculty of Medicine: all undergraduate studies
- Faculty of Psychology: all undergraduate studies
- Faculty of Translation and Interpreting: all undergraduate studies
- Faculty of Veterinary Medicine: all undergraduate studies
- School of Engineering: all undergraduate studies
- During the first instalment period you will be able to make payed subject modifications on first, second term and annual subjects.
- During the second instalment you will only be able to request changes in second term subjects and as long as it does not increase your enrolment fee.
Student types
If you are a grant holder:
While making the registration modification online, you will not be able to increase or decrease the number of credits; you can only change subjects as long as the final amount of credits equals the one you had in the original registration.
If you have requested an AGAUR loan:
On the first instalment, you cannot make modifications, but you can on the second one. There is a fee for modifying your registration, you will need to pay this fee by direct debit, as it will not be added to the AGAUR loan.
There are a few exceptions where you will not have to pay the established fee, in that case, you will need to do your registration modification at your academic management office. These exceptions are the following:
- If you are participating in an exchange programme and you want to modify a subject in your learning agreement, as long as you make this modification on the 6 weeks following your start in the other university.
- When the modifications are due to the registration calendar of your faculty or school (such as the final project or work placement).
- When the modification is due to new subjects offered by the University after the registration period.
- When the modifications are attributable to the University.
- When you need to buy the complementary insurance because you have enrolled in extra-curricular practical training with Treball Campus.
- You can change groups and your study load (full time/part time).
- You can access your registration modification as many times as you need and you can select the subject or group as long as there are free seats.
- On the first registration modification you complete it will appear by default the fee: "Registration modification/automodification". You will only pay this fee the first time you request this modification. If you have already paid this fee, you will get an informative message.
- You will not be able to change your personal information, exemptions, grant type or payment instalments.
- You will have to pay at the registration modification self service by direct debit.
- If your bank account details are not informed already, you will be able to enter them while using the self service, but if you had already entered them, you will not be able to modify them.
- If you did not select the complementary or mobility insurance, you will be able to select one of them. If you had already selected one insurance, you will only be able to change it for the other one during the first 72 hours, after that, you will only be able to add the one you did not choose iniatilly, and you will have to pay for them both.
- You will be not able to select or cancel the optional fees, as they will not be visible.
- When you finish your modification, you will be shown the total amount you will have to pay, with the modification fee included, if it applies.
- The amount of the registration modification will be paid in a single payment by direct debit. The amount will be charged to your bank account from the decision date.
- Once your registration modification or cancelation has been made, it will be included in your academic record and you will not be able to renounce to it.
- To cancel core or mandatory subjects you have not passed, you will need to cancel also the new subjects you have enrolled in.
- The registration modification will have the corresponding effect for students who have requested grants offered or managed by the UAB.
- To get a reimbursement, you will need to make the cancelation of a subject and the enrolment of another one at the same time and save it just once.
Royal decree 1393/2007 of 29 October 2007, which established the Planning of official university studies was abrogated by Royal decree 822/2021 of 28 September 2021, which established the organisation of university teaching and the procedure for quality control.