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The Doctoral School

68 Phd programmes (2022-2023)
4,587 PhD students (2022-2023)
745 PhD theses (2021-2022)
Atenció a l'Escola de Doctorat

The Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona is committed to achieving a high level of excellence in university teaching, research and knowledge transfer, and supports the development and implementation of learning methods adapted to each stage of education.

As part of these commitments, the Doctoral School at UAB is created in 2014. Its primary objective is the organization of the studies and activities of the PhD, with the firm commitment to develop continuous improvement and quality policies for the PhD Programmes. UAB's Doctoral School aims at responding to the challenges of present society, actively involveing itself in promoting research, experimental development and innovation as the main elements on which sustainable economic development and social welfare should be established.

Likewise, the Doctoral School at UAB works to guide research and academic activity towards a culture of peace, respect for human rights, equality and social progress, respect for the environment and sustainable development, including the explicit renunciation to research directly oriented to military purposes.

Brief historical note

The Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona created, in 1994, the School for Doctoral and Continuing Education, during the tenure of the rector Carles Solà and under the direction of Dr. Carles Perelló. The embryo of this initiative had come from a group of teachers knowledgeable of the Anglo-Saxon model of the third cycle of education, who saw the creation of a "Graduate School" as a way for UAB to become an international benchmark.

The basic objective of this initial stage was to coordinate graduate studies at UAB and provide administrative support to departments. However, the school was soon assigned the tasks of promoting these studies and of their quality assurance. Thus the university pursued to contributing to the progress of society and country. On 28 February 2000, the new building that restored the "masia" can Miró was opened.

Soon the school became an actor and engine of a new reality in which training graduate studies (PhD's and continuing education) became more important in a society that demands professionals and researchers with a high degree of specialization and a permanently updated knowledge. To reflect this new orientation, the school was renamed Graduate School.

In 2014, as a result of the process of adaptation to the new regulatory framework, established by Royal Decree 99/2011, of 28 January, UAB creates the Doctoral School, with the main objective of organizing the studies and activities of the PhD. The current building can Miró holds, therefore, two schools: the Doctoral School and the Graduate School.

The building of the Doctoral and Postgraduate schools has a Graduation Hall with capacity for 60 people. If you want to defend your thesis there, you should contact

The code of the Graduation Hall of the Doctoral School is U/-101 Sala de Graus.