Subject Credits Type

Fundamentals of web design



Expression and experimentation projects



Web production




The Diploma in Web Design is part of the Master's Degree in Graphic Design.

Specific skills

- Evaluate uses and program functions for the conception and formalization of graphic design projects.
- Use the architecture of the letter and the different typographic families of the Latin alphabets with specialized criteria.
- To know the specific characteristics and performances of the typography in digital formats and to know how to use the most suitable types and families for each use.
- Make use of the creation and production tools of graphic design.
- Graphically structure and prioritize verbal information in various off and online graphics media.
- Plan, organize, manage and administer the development of graphic design projects, both in the framework of autonomous professional work and in that of business or institutional organizations.
- Master the specialized lexicon, both offline and online, and know how to present and reason the results and work processes of graphic design projects.
- Present and reason, orally and in writing, the results and work processes of their own graphic design projects.
- Interpret and critically evaluate final products and graphic design projects both own and others.
- Demonstrate that they understand the functioning of the economic, business and institutional environment in which graphic design projects and activities are contracted and developed professionally.

Transferable skills

- Master computer means and digital technologies.
- Ability to resolve problems and make decisions.
- Aspire to offer quality in both conceptual and argumental approaches, as well as in all formal resolutions and final touches given to any design project.
- Ability to adapt to local and international professional environments, and particularly to any technological, social and economic changes taking place.
- Assess and promote the social uses of communication with special attention to accessibility for different groups of users and receptors.
- Demonstrate possession of the ethical values and principles of your profession.
- Demonstrate your knowledge of the innovative aspects in the field and new languages and cultural proposals.

Title obtained

Specialisation Diploma in Web Design

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