• UAB Specialisation Diploma
  • Code: 4966/1
  • 1st edition
  • Modality: Online
  • Credits: 30 ECTS
  • Start date: 13/01/2025
  • Finish date: 14/10/2025
  • Places: 40
  • Orientation: Professional
  • Price: 1980 €
  • Special price 1921 €
    Group of application:
    Special price 1881 €
    Group of application:
  • Teaching language: Spanish (90%), English (10%)
  • Location: Escola de Prevenció i Seguretat Integral. Edifi blanc, Campus UAB, Bellaterra (Barcelona)
Year on year, a large number of graduates show interest in quality management as a career, in view of the many interesting job opportunities arising today, both in this country and internationally.

Currently, Spain has over 36,000 companies certified to ISO standard 9001, putting it in 7th place worldwide, ahead of an economic powerhouse like the USA and only surpassed by countries like China, Germany, the UK, Italy or France.

- At international level, ISO 9001 and Total Quality certification in different specialties (car making, aviation, defence, etc.) is still one of the strategic tools most sought after by organisations, as can be seen from the latest ISO Survey, conducted in nearly 200 countries, which reveals growth of 4% worldwide.

All of this points to a need for qualified specialists to manage these certification processes, together with consultants to work with companies as they implement management systems, and auditors to certify them. Students on this graduate diploma programme are trained to be quality management professionals in both public and private organisations, able to achieve their quality goals and ensure their organisation's competitiveness and progress.

Career opportunities

- Head of the quality department in a public or private organisation.
- Quality specialist in a public or private organisation.
- QMS auditor in a public or private organisation.
- Quality consultant.
- ISO 9001 consultant.
- Quality trainer.
- ISO 9001 trainer.
- Internal QMS auditing trainer.

UAB masters and graduate diplomas may include or facilitate external academic internships in companies or institutions in order to help the student to achieve a level of expertise that facilitates the insertion or promotion in the workplace...

These internships may be curricular (compulsory) or non-curricular (optional).

  • Curricular
    Curricular practices are those which are included in the curriculum of the studies and, therefore, must be overcome to obtain the degree. The programme manager will explain you the details of how, where and under what conditions you should do the internship.
  • Non-curricular
    Extracurricular practices are those that are not included in the curriculum of the studies. You can choose to do them in addition. The coordination of your program will explain the details of how, where and under what conditions can they be carried out.

Scholarships and financial aid

At the UAB grants' website you will find information on financial aids, grants, competitions, prizes and subsidies for the university community.

Chek all the information in the page for UAB financial aids, grants and calls.

Coordinating centres

FUAB Formación. Prevención y Seguridad Integral


Armando Equeter Leva

Phone: 935929710

Gestió Acadèmica

Phone: 935929710

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