• UAB Specialisation Diploma
  • Code: 3815/6
  • 6th edition
  • Modality: Onsite
  • Credits: 30 ECTS
  • Start date: 15/09/2024
  • Finish date: 20/06/2025
  • Places: 12
  • Orientation: Professional
  • Price: 6000 €
  • Teaching language: Spanish
  • Location: USP Institut Universitari Dexeus. Sabino de Arana, 5-19. 08028 Barcelona
This is a UAB-specific programme, addressed to graduates in Medicine specialising in Dermatology, Plastic Surgery, Maxillofacial Surgery or Otorhinolaryngology (ENT). It equips its students with the theoretical knowledge and technical expertise needed to prescribe and apply anti-ageing and cosmetic techniques in the facial area.

Career opportunities

- Cosmetic doctor
- Dermatologist
- Maxillofacial surgeon
- Plastic surgeon
- Otorhinolaryngologist

Scholarships and financial aid

Chek all the information on the possibilities for grants and scholarships in the page for UAB financial aids, grants and calls.

Coordinating centres

Instituto Universitario Dexeus


Inés Carrión Fontanils

Phone: 609814955

Additional information


More information