Goodbye Carles
Carles Perelló 27.01.2021  - 

On January 27, 2021, Carles Perelló, who had been a professor in the department for more than 35 years, left us.

Professor Carles Perelló presented his PhD thesis at Brown University (Providence, USA) in 1965 under the supervision of Jack K. Hale entitled "Periodic solutions of ordinary differential equations with and without time lag". He started in our Department in 1973 and achieved the Full Professor position in Applied Mathematics in 1984, a position he held until his official retirement in 2003, when he became Emeritus.

His main research area focused on Dynamic Systems and Partial Differential Equations, an area in which he founded a research group in the department and in which he supervised 7 PhD theses. He was director of the Doctoral School of UAB, from its foundation in 1994 to 2002 and advisor to the "Conseller d’Universitats i Recerca" (2004-2006).

He was President of the Catalan Mathematical Society between 2006 and 2010. In 2002 he was awarded the Narcís Monturiol Medal by the Generalitat de Catalunya.

To think of Carles is to think of Mexican music and Catalan songs, hiking, paellas and endearing evenings, pure mathematics, applied mathematics - to "understand the world" -, enthusiasm, commitment, and a lot of human warmth.


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