UAB students win the Ecotrophelia Award with a locust bean flour sponge cake

Els cinc estudiants guanyadors, amb la seva creació "Mugcake".

A sponge cake made with locust bean flour, created by five students from the bachelor’s degree in Food Science and Technology at the UAB, won first prize in the Ecotrophelia España 2023 competition, organised by the Spanish Federation of Food and Drink Industry (FIAB).


The winner of this year’s Ecotrophelia España 2023, organised by the Spanish Federation of Food and Drink Industry with the support of the Spanish Ministry for Agriculture, Fishing and Food (MAPA), was a mugcake, a sponge cake made using locust bean flour which was created by firve students in their fourth year of the bachelor’s degree in Food Science and Technology at the UAB. The five students are Glòria Rius Rodó, Marc Sañé Puigví, Laura Simón Martínez, Aleix Vázquez Pereyra and Blanca Marcó Grau. Their supervisor was Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Professor Buenaventura Guamis. Professor Sébastien Bauer, member of the UAB Department of Business, assessed and helped them  in all marketing and economic matters related to the product. In the final competition, held 5 September at the Fundació Alícia, six teams competed from the universities of Barcelona, Valencia, Leon, the Politècnica de València and the UAB.

This mugcake is an innovative product that allows users to cook a sponge cake using only a cup, with locust bean flour and a bit of plant-based beverage and a microwave oven. This creation stood out for its focus on simplicity of use and sustainable ingredients, with locust bean flour being a health and environmentally-friendly alternative.

“The prize is an example of creativity of our students, who have demonstrated their commitment to being innovative and sustainable in the food sector”, stated Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Dean Manel López Bejar.

The mugcake not only offers a delicious and quick alternative to those who like cake, it also reduces energy consumption and the use of resources thanks to its simple cooking process which only requires a cup and a microwave oven.

The UAB students who came up with this idea point out that "we were also interested in boosting the cultivation of carob trees: they belong to dry climates and help fight against desertification because they keep the humidity in the soil".

Another of the positive points for this product is that it does not contain gluten and is an accepted option for vegans, apart from not containing any allergy-producing ingredients as listed in the EU Regulation 1169/2011. "With regard to its palatability, all those who have tasted it mentioned that they did not expect it not to contain chocolate and that it met, or even surpassed, their expectations", the UAB students state.

The winners and their product will now compete internationally

Winning the competition means that the UAB students will represent Spain at the international Ecotrophelia Europea competition, where they will be running up against other similar proposals from across the continent, in a competition which will take place on 8 and 9 October in Cologne, Germany. 

The jury of this 14th edition was presided by Fundació Alícia Director Toni Massanés, and formed by representatives from the Public Administration sector, such as José Miguel Herrero, General Director of the Food Industry of the Ministry for Agriculture, Fishing and Food.

The winning teams will receive their prize in a ceremony which will take place on 26 October in Madrid as part of the Alibetopías 2023 innovation conferences.

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Watch the product presentation on their Instagram account: @garrobites