UAB lecturers and researchers receive Sant Jordi Awards

Institut d'Estudis Catalans
The Institute of Catalan Studies held its award giving ceremony for outstanding research projects this past 21 April. Among the awardees were Joan Claramunt, Andreu Domingo, Aritz Galarraga, Francesc Galera, Armengol Gasull, Sergi González-Solis and Sergi Grau, all from the UAB.


On 21 April, the Institute of Catalan Studies' Sant Jordi awards giving ceremony was held. The prizes are awarded in recognition for their outstanding projects. Among the awardees were lecturers and researchers from the UAB's different academic sectors.

Andreu Domingo from the Centre for Demographic Studies of the UAB, received the Prat de la Riba Award for his work Catalunya al mirall de la immigració. Demografia i identitat nacional (L'Avenç). Sergi Grau, researcher at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, was awarded with the Joaquim Carreras i Artau Award for his work "Les transformacions d’Aristòtil. Filosofia natural i medicina a Montpeller: el cas d’Arnau de Vilanova (c. 1240-1311)". This award belongs to the IEC section of philosophy and social sciences. With regard to the science and technology section, Sergi Gonsález-Solis received the Eduard Fontseré Award in Physical Sciences for his thesis presented within the UAB's PhD programme in Physics.

The IEC affiliated societies also awarded prizes and this year the Mathematics Society of Catalonia awarded the Albert Dou Prize to Armengol Gasull, professor of the Department of Mathematics, for his work "L'infinit i més enllà"; while the Évariste Galois Prize went to Joan Claramunt, researcher of the same department, for his work "Differential Galois Theory".

In addition, the Mercè Rodoreda Foundation awarded one of its scholarships to Francesc Galera, technician at the UAB Language Service, for his project "Avel·lí Artís-Gener, traducció i alteritat. El com i el perquè de la praxi traductora de Tísner". And Aritz Galarraga, lecturer of the Department of Catalan Studies, was awarded one of the IEC Eusko-Ikaskuntza scholarship for his project "La literatura basca traduïda al català (1976-2016)".