UAB is the highest performing university in Spain

The Fundación Conocimiento y Desarrollo (CYD) has evaluated 60 universities in the CYD Ranking, the Spanish version of the U-Multirank. The UAB is the university in Spain to obtain the highest scores in the largest number of indicators.


The ranking permits creating a classification of universities according to different criteria, by evaluating different indicators of a total of 31. The UAB is the university in Spain to obtain the highest score in the largest number of indicators: 21 of the 31 used in the analysis by the foundation. The UAB is followed by the UPF, with 18 of the highest indicators, and the universities of Navarra and Deusto, with 14 each.
The CYD Ranking is based on the same philosophy, methodology and collection of data as the European Commission's U-Multirank. The ranking analyses each university in six variables: teaching, research, knowledge transfer, internationalisation, contribution to regional development and degree of student satisfaction. In addition to universities, this second edition of the ranking analysed 560 academic programmes from seven areas: business studies, physics, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, computing, medicine and psychology.
The Fundación CYD, whose mission is to analyse and promote the contribution of universities to the economic and social development of Spain, began this project at the end of 2010. The ranking, financed by the foundation, is conducted under the direction of Dr Martí Parellada, Professor in Economics at the University of Barcelona. 

The ranking can be consulted at the following website: